Sunday, January 21, 2007

BlacKie's watching you!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Showroomdummies. Posted by Picasa
Hamstering the wallpaper. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Recently I was sort of asked to make a list regarding stuff people would'nt know of me (and others). Well, I think I'm sort of an open book, but you never know..

1) I collect stuff,.. but not just one kind.. but (too) much. Like lots of people I collect music and films.. but I also collect: items regarding moose, fireman jackets, (digital) camera's, (beanie)hats,.. beer-bottles,..

2) Regarding camera's, I almost bought as my very first SLR a Canon instead of a Nikon.. At the time being it was just a bit too expensive and I wouldn't "get" enough for my new Sigma-camera.. so.. a year later I bought my first Nikon.. which is still in use.

3) As a result of my work, I don't have a social life anymore. (Ahhhhhhhh...)

4) I do like to travel, but due to the fact that I'm more of a evening-person I don't have the discipline to get out of bed early to catch a/the train to travel.. (only one-day-travels? Nope,.. but I don't like to travel alone for more than one day.. and as I'm 5).. )

5) ..single.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Spare parts? Posted by Picasa
Fine weather.. (Umbrella-time) Posted by Picasa
(Rather late) Happy Holidays Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 01, 2007

Sparkling NewYear! Posted by Picasa