SPOT Festival 2014, verrassend veelzijdig.
De busreis naar en van SPOT-festival was in 2013 een hele ervaring. Niet alleen werd ik door de Hongaarse chauffeur bijna in Duitsland op een Raststätte achtergelaten maar een niet werkend toilet en een bus die om 7:00 zondag 's morgens weer vertrok was alles behalve ideaal. Dat moest en kon anders vonden ook mijn reisgenoten, een delegatie van het Nordic Delight Festival. Met de auto konden we sneller in Århus aankomen met als belangrijkste voordelen meer plas/rook-pauzes en natuurlijk uitslapen op zondag!
Donderdagochtend stapten we bijna allemaal fris en fruitig in bewolkt Utrecht in een Mini Countryman. Tegen zes uur 's avonds reden we de Århus binnen. De zon scheen, een zuchtje wind blies de lentebloezem door de lucht en alleen het zoeken van een parkeerplek stelde het gevoel van thuiskomen nog even uit. Na ons appartement op kruipafstand van het epicentrum van SPOT festival ons eigen te hebben gemaakt was het tijd om de polsbandjes op te halen voordat de openingsprogramma's begonnen. Naast het officiële SPOT-programma waar onder andere Reptile Youth al van zich liet horen hadden de dames van
Nelson Can de releaseparty van hun 2e EP. In het voorprogramma mocht Lydmor het publiek alvast opwarmen. De Nelson's lieten vervolgens zien en horen dat ze een jaar later niet alleen prima nieuwe songs hadden geschreven maar live nog overtuigender waren. En dat in een kleine zaal (HQ) die bekend staat om zijn niet altijd even goede akoestiek. Een dag later deden ze dit nog eens dunnetjes over in een van de grootste zalen aan de Godsbanen, een goed gevulde RAA-zaal. Het Duitse 'Rolling Stone'-magazine was lyrisch over het optreden.

Hoogtepunten A, B, D,.. W.
Als showcase-festival was SPOT met een aanbod van 160 acts in twee dagen tijd verrassend veelzijdig. Bijna alles behalve metal kon je er in een van de dicht bij elkaar gelegen venue's vinden. Met een beetje geluk en wijsheid kon ik uiteindelijk 43 optredens deels of in zijn geheel bijwonen. De meest spraakmakende optredens heb ik op alfabet gesorteerd.

Opmerkelijke kleding, podium-entourage en gezichtsversieringen

After SPOT
Na een geslaagd showcase-festival bood de terugreis naar huis genoeg tijd om na te beschouwen. Bands waar we hoge verwachtingen van hadden vielen live wat tegen terwijl er in het programma ook genoeg positieve verrassingen te ontdekken waren. Het doet mij dan ook deugd dat Ice Cream Cathedral (een van mijn hoogtepunten tijdens by:Larm) na SPOT inmiddels op toernee is door Noorwegen en Zweden. Daarna zullen ze op 20 juni met andere SPOT '14-acts zoals Blaue Blume en ADNA in Berlijn optreden tijdens "Berlin Midsommar 2014". Optredens van SPOT 2014-bands in de Benelux zijn vooralsnog niet bekend. Uitgaande van het huidige succes van Broken Twin in Nederland en België gaat dat vast goed komen.
In English:
Roadtrip to a Surprising versatile SPOT Festival '14.
The busride to and from SPOT '13 was quite an experience. Not only did I almost got lost at a highway parking due to a strict Hungarian chauffeur but a malfunctioning bus-toilet and a 7:00AM departure on a sunday morning directly after the festival was far from ideal. Therefore I hooked up for a roadtrip with the founding fathers of the Dutch Nordic Delight
On thursday morning almost all travellers got into the small yet comfortable Mini while the city of Utrecht was still covered in clouds. About eight hours later we drove into a sunny Århus with a blissful wind blowing spring blossom into the air. As soon as we managed to find a proper parkingspace we already felt home. Although the actual festival started on friday the thursdaynight was already filled with SPOT-like performances. For instance one of our favorite Danish bands, Nelson Can, had a releaseparty for their second EP: EP2. Supporting act? Lydmor! So, my first night in Århus couldn't get better. After a fine and uplifting Lydmor-performance The ladies of Nelson Can took the stage and let the audience see and hear their year off writing and recording new songs had made them even better. The live-performance was energetic, bright and convincing. During their official SPOT-show in the largest venue at Godsbanen they impressed the most. German magazine Rolling Stone was laudatory about it.
The SPOT-highlights ABDW.
During the two days of SPOT-festival an extraordinary musical variety of over 160 acts tried to impress the audience. Almost every musical genre was playing in one of the venues, conveniently nearby. With a bit of luck I was able to attend about 43 concerts. Some bands just for one song, some for a whole set. The most remarkable and interesting I've sorted out in a SPOT-ABC.
On of the bands who got a lot of (international) attention was Danish Blaue Blume. A rather young band consisting of four longhaired guys who play avantgarde pop. Especially the vocal range of the singer adds a theatrical sense to their music. One of their early recordings "On New Year's Eve" already got a lot of airplay on the radio outside Denmark. Therefore it wasn't surprising their performances and especially the freely accessible gig were well attended by a lot of admirers.
The second act in this ABC was actually the closing act op SPOT-festival: Broke from Denmark. The outfit of this duo from Copenhagen might be a bit confusing as they look like rockers. Their music however is a mix of intrinsic beats, futuristic synths and punk-inspired noise: electro post-punk! Contagious and danceable music which was therefore the perfect closing act of a succesful festival. The audience loved it while the guitar-player of the band topped it off by crowdsurfing.
During Iceland Airwaves '13 they literally played in a shopwindow, the electropopduo Byrta from the Faroe Isles. Singer-songwriter Guðrið Hansdóttir and electronics wizard Janus Rasmussen were already quite popular in their homecountry and already played some gigs in Denmark before. Interesting enough Janus played the same stage (Voxhall) a year before with his other band: Bloodgroup. However, accompanied by the fine vocals of Guðrið he made a better and more sustainable impression as in 2013. Although their best known songs "Norðlýsið" en "Loyndarmál" are hard to singalong as they are in Faroes a substantial part of the audience did know their songs and enjoyed their show.
One of the first performances at the start of the second was presented by Darkness Falls. Although the sun outside was bright Darkness fell in the Scandinavian Music Center as Josephine Philip and Ina Lindgreen brought their interpretation of darkness to life. Naturally it wasn't that dramatic but the ladies were in fact hard to see in the mist created by fogmachines and the scarce lightning. Nevertheless it was created the perfect atmosphere. Dramatic urging synthesizer-melodies and drums, a distorted guitar-sound and striking vocals. The biggest disadvantage was probably the sun which had a bigger attraction to the audience who missed out on some beautiful tunes.
Danish filmmaker Frederik Sølberg started a solo-project with the remarkable name: Rough Days for Diamond Trade. Inspired by music from the 1980's he created songs with a melancholic atmosphere build up with catchy melodies, synth-waves and a throbbing bass. To recreate the actual atmosphere RDFDT wasn't playing to the audience but within the audience on the ground floor. Around half past twelve in the night it did capture that feeling. With almost complete darkness apart from the lightprojections on the band the idea of a nightclub arose. The only things missing were velvet couches and tables with champagnebottles and glasses.
One of the acts I unfortunately had to miss during by:Larm '14 was Sea Change. The small blonde Norwegian Ellen A.W. Sunde creates an electronical and magical dreamworld with loop-based sounds and her delicate vocalworks. Unfortunately the magic was broken everytime I had to switch sides of one of the two vinyl 7"-singles she sold me online. Her performance during SPOT however was magical right from the start up till the last played notes. The simple, a bit psychedelic visuals on the spot generated by just an iPhone topped it off. Magnificent!
Sekuoia is the 20-yo Danish Patrick Bech Madsen. An upcoming talent who managed to finetune the crossover of electropop to dubstep and back. His efforts didn't go unnoticed and he got signed to the German "Project Mooncircle"-label. During SPOT I was able to spot Sekuoia twice. The first time he was just playing his tunes to create the perfect ambience for the network-barbeque of 'Skandinavan' although the music got a bit lost in the many conversations and hotdogs. The same night he played a proper set on stage accompanied by a drummer and a guitar-player. After a great start-up with fascinating visuals and uplifting beats the turnover into a slower song of the set was a bit awkward but as a whole quite convincing. Pretty melodies, strict beats, danceable but never over the top.
One of the bands I didn't want to miss was Sleep Party People. Originally a solo-project by Danish Brian Batz but live a full band hiding behind felted rabbit masks. SPP became well known for their first two records with dreampop/ambient sound and alienated vocals. Their SPOT-performance however consisted solely of music from their third (still to be released) record "Floating". Apart from the single "Floating blood of mine" unknown material which sounded a bit awkward hearing it for the first time live. Nevertheless while pre-listening the album on Soundcloud the music kicks in eventually and is in fact very nice. It just needs time to open up your senses. This fall SPP will be performing in Brussels and Amsterdam. Enough time to get to know "Floating" and get blown away when they play it live again.
To conclude this SPOT-ABDW some men with beards: The White Album. Reading the description "folk, indie, rock influenced by Bob Dylan and Neil Young" I probably would have missed them. Although the program wasn't full during the afternoon the venue where The White Album played was fully crowded. Not without reason as the three bearded men played and sang their rather delicate songs impressively. They could have kept the enchantment on the audience all by themselves nevertheless they were supported during their last songs by a large female choir. It made the songs even more beautiful.
Back to the eighties &.. facial maquillage.
It isn't a big surprise anymore. Lots of (upcoming) artists not only musically flirt with the "Eighties" but are also using equipment from the ancient like the Roland Juno 60. During SPOT there were actually also several acts who managed to "complete" the picture by dressing up. For instance the singer of Danish Glass appeared on stage in a jogging suit. Perhaps trying to look like "The Happy Mondays" he lost himself. The singer of Danish Scarlet Pleasure didn't dress up that good either wearing a baseball-shirt with a turtleneck underneath and a pair of leggings.
Another awkward piece of stage-performance was the maquillage. Not just piercings or heavily made-up eyes but painted crosses and swirls on girl-cheeks blurred the attention of the music. The stars on Danish Lucy Loves's cheeks might fit her outfit all dressed up in a churchlike robe but what about the dancers dressed up like Harajuku? Swedish Zhala actually looked like she had a day off out of the mental hospital. Swirls on her face, singing and dancing in her Indian-looking home suit in between lit candles and curtains. Fading in/out her music didn't do her credibility good either.
After SPOT
After a succesful showcase-festival the ride home gave us enough time for reflections. Some highly anticipated bands were a bit disappointing while there were also some unexpected gems in the program. One of my highlights of the by:Larm-festival (and therefore not enlisted in this review) Ice Cream Cathedral has been picked-up in Scandinavia and currently touring in Sweden and Norway. June 20th they will also be performing at the "Berlin Midsommar 2014". Other SPOT '14-acts who will also be performing are Blaue Blume en ADNA. Unfortunately it is still unknown if and when any of the SPOT '14-bands are performing in The Netherlands or Belgium. Considering the current succes op SPOT '13-act Broken Twin it might take a year or so but eventually they will be playing in a venue nearby.
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