by:Larm '14: Nordic Delights in Oslo.
Wat Eurosonic/Noorderslag in Nederland is voor muzikaal Europa is by:Larm voor Scandinavië. Een showcasefestival dat je niet wilt missen als je op de hoogte wilt zijn en blijven van het (ver)nieuw(end)e muziekaanbod in Noorwegen en de andere Nordic landen. Tijdens by:Larm 2014 werd ik vier dagen getrakteerd op fantastische muziek en "Norsk hyggelig". Alleen het bier, dat was voor eigen rekening.
Toen ik na by:Larm '13 het affiche zag waarop namen prijkten als Say Lou Lou, Postiljonen, Sin Fang, Efterklang en Anna von Hauswolff besloot ik by:Larm '14 niet te willen missen. Zoveel goede en veelbelovende namen op één plek. Dat kunnen ze vast nog een keer of zelfs beter. De aanschaf van een relatief goedkoop early bird-ticket bleek geen overbodige luxe. Met een bierprijs van 80NOK (ruim 9 euro) per 1/2L glas wisten ze dat ruimschoots te compenseren. Maar het ging natuurlijk uiteindelijk ook gewoon om de muziek. Als je bedenkt dat by:Larm door de jaren heen de springplank was voor artiesten zoals Björk, MEW en Lykke Li was het niet verwonderlijk dat er voor de editie van 2014 weer +/- 1500 Nordic musici zich hadden aangemeld voor de line-up van het festival. Van deze 1500 werden er uiteindelijk 112 geselecteerd voor het officiële programma. Sommige onfortuinlijken konden zich alsnog presenteren tijdens enkele off-venue shows. Het meest bizarre verhaal dat ik hoorde betrof de Noorse Folk 'n Roll band Lady Moscow. Die zouden inmiddels al de toezegging hebben dat ze in 2015 mogen optreden, maar wilden dat juist dit jaar al. En zo zag ik ze in de stromende regen tegenover de fameuze venue 'Rockefeller' in een voor de gelegenheid opgevrolijkte garagebox van het leger des heils spelen. Een opmerkelijke manier om Folk aan de man te brengen. Een optreden in 'Rockefeller' volgend jaar is misschien net iets te ambitieus.
Toen ik na by:Larm '13 het affiche zag waarop namen prijkten als Say Lou Lou, Postiljonen, Sin Fang, Efterklang en Anna von Hauswolff besloot ik by:Larm '14 niet te willen missen. Zoveel goede en veelbelovende namen op één plek. Dat kunnen ze vast nog een keer of zelfs beter. De aanschaf van een relatief goedkoop early bird-ticket bleek geen overbodige luxe. Met een bierprijs van 80NOK (ruim 9 euro) per 1/2L glas wisten ze dat ruimschoots te compenseren. Maar het ging natuurlijk uiteindelijk ook gewoon om de muziek. Als je bedenkt dat by:Larm door de jaren heen de springplank was voor artiesten zoals Björk, MEW en Lykke Li was het niet verwonderlijk dat er voor de editie van 2014 weer +/- 1500 Nordic musici zich hadden aangemeld voor de line-up van het festival. Van deze 1500 werden er uiteindelijk 112 geselecteerd voor het officiële programma. Sommige onfortuinlijken konden zich alsnog presenteren tijdens enkele off-venue shows. Het meest bizarre verhaal dat ik hoorde betrof de Noorse Folk 'n Roll band Lady Moscow. Die zouden inmiddels al de toezegging hebben dat ze in 2015 mogen optreden, maar wilden dat juist dit jaar al. En zo zag ik ze in de stromende regen tegenover de fameuze venue 'Rockefeller' in een voor de gelegenheid opgevrolijkte garagebox van het leger des heils spelen. Een opmerkelijke manier om Folk aan de man te brengen. Een optreden in 'Rockefeller' volgend jaar is misschien net iets te ambitieus.

1. De Woensdag en Iamspyencefiction

2. Vilde Tuv vs The Photographers.

3. De evolutie van 'Ice Cream Cathedral'.
Vorig jaar zag ik het Deense Ice Cream Cathedral voor het eerst tijdens SPOT-festival in Århus. Een leuk electropopbandje dat relaxte muziek maakte voor op een warme lome zonnige dag. In een matig verlichtte zaal miste het toen nog de flair en energie om te overtuigen. Hoe anders was dat bijna een jaar later in Oslo. In de tussentijd werden ze benaderd door het Noorse indie label Riot Factory dat ook het debuut van Highasakite en FARAO uitbracht. Omdat ik toch wel benieuwd was hoe ze in dat jaar gegroeid waren stapte ik in de lift naar 'Stratos'. Op het podium stond nog steeds hetzelfde trio. De muziek was echter niet meer de space-pop waar ik ze van kende. Ambient had zijn intrede gedaan en het klonk ook stukken pittiger. Frontvrouw Anja leek ook veel meer in element dan tijdens SPOT. Vol overgave beroerde zij de knoppen en toetsen van haar synthesizer terwijl Anders Bach los ging op zijn drumstel. Een jaar optreden en nieuwe muziek schrijven had ze duidelijk goed gedaan! Het Noorse publiek dat ICC nog niet eerder zag optreden was eveneens onder de indruk.
4. Aurora Aksnes, Muzikaal Noorderlicht uit Bergen.

5. Emilie Nicolas

6. Shy For Shore, But Not Tonight.

7. Ine Hoem of toch maar Deathcrush?

8. Team Me in Mono.

9. Plaatjes? Die koop je op de Independent Label Market.

10. Biertje? Bottoms Up!

Meer foto's op Flickr!
Spotify: Nordic Vibes @ by:Larm '14.
English review:
by:Larm is an annual showcase-festival held in Oslo Norway. Apart from the music performances there is also a conference part during the day. Performing artist are a selection of all aspiring artist coming from all over Scandinavia who have the potential to not only breakthrough in the Nordic countries but also the "mainland" of Europe. Through earlier editions several of current well known artists like Björk, MEW and Lykke Li found their way to a bigger audience. Therefore by:Larm is a festival you do not want to miss if you are into Nordic Music. It's almost like a musical candystore. During by:Larm '14 over 112 acts did their best to impress the audience. Crowded venues, long queues.. a lot of happy faces. Although not all were evenly succesful on stage. The festival itself was a great experience and really recommendable if you like Norwegian music more than average. The only thing that might scare you off are the prices for alcoholic beverages. Paying over 9 euro's for a beer might upset your brain more than the alcohol itself. But you are there for the music, right?
During the festival I attended almost 40 concerts. Mostly of the bands I really wanted to see but also some "surprise"-acts. To give an impression of my by:Larm experience I have compiled and focussed on a top 10 of the best music I heard and some other remarkable things.
1. First band of the festival and Bingo! Impsyencefiction
The first night of by:Larm started of with just ten bands playing at the main square of the festival: Youngstorget. The diversity of the music however was impressive. From Norwegian rap by Trondheim's Shitrich, via the unfortunately "out of tune" Swedish Könsförrädare, experimental musician Jenny Hval up til even Norwegian reggae: Admiral P. One of the most interesting and sensational bands of the festival was actually the one who played first, on the first night. Norwegian Aleksander Johansen from the Lofoten started of Iampsyencefiction as a soloproject but collected fellow musicians from e.g. Dråpe, Lama en Einar Stray to form a band. His/their music sounds a bit like The National en Kurt Vile. Their brilliance only really fell down on me after the festival.. as I couldn't really enjoy their show at first due to the crowded venue. Funfact? After by:Larm they've changed their name! They dropped the 'I Am' and call themselves (we are) Psyence Fiction now. Hopefully this identity-crises doesn't affect their creativity.
2. Vilde Tuv vs The Photographers.
Sometimes it can pay off getting at a venue on time. According to earlier reviews I really had to go and see Danish duo Kill J. Fascinating new Scandinavian music which should make other Danish performers like MØ and Linkoban sound pale. Nevertheless they played for a semi-full small venue and couldn't really impress. Half a hour earlier it was the other way around. Norwegian one-girl band from Bergen Vilde Tuv played in one of the biggest venues "Rockefeller" for a room full of interested listeners. Playing with just a guitar and bassdrum her songs about gravity, love and mortality she got full attention. Perhaps a bit too much as unfortunately a batallion of photographers were able to disturb the music by overclicking their camera's.
3. Ice Cream Cathedral v2.0.
I had seen Danish Ice Cream Cathedral perform before at last years SPOT-festival in Århus. An entertaining band for a lazy sunny afternoon on the grass but they couldn't convince me due to lack of flair and energy playing a major show. If it was due to them being adopted by Norwegian Indielabel Riot Factory (known for e.g. Highasakite en FARAO) or playing festivals like Roskilde. Their performance in 'Stratos' on the roof of Oslo showed a matured band. The space-pop of their debut had evolved into more sophisticated electro-ambient, more powerful. Frontwoman Anja also looked more energetic while dancing and playing her instruments. Playing lots of gigs and writing new music really had a positive effect on the music and their performance. The Oslo-audience which hadn't seen them before was also impressed.
4. Aurora Aksnes, the natural phenomenon from Bergen.
Thinking about Bergen (NO) you would expect rain. However, ever since Young Dreams there is also music-sun shining bright in Bergen. The youngest music-sun and seriously a phenomenon is 17-yo Aurora Aksnes. Aurora growing up playing the piano since she was 6yo and listening to music by Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash and Leonard Cohen she was inspired to write and make music herself. To tell others about love, struggle and everything inbetween to inspire her own listeners. Listening to her music it's hard to believe she is still so young. It looked liked everybody wanted to be inspired and see a glimpse of the phenomenal Aurora. All the attention and prizes she was awarded with just before her show made her shy-ish. Luckily it didn't stop her from singing the other aurora from the sky. The overwhelming applause in the end was well deserved. Seriously a musician to love and to hold. Hopefully we will hear more from her in the near future.
5. "Grown Up" Emilie Nicolas
Emilie Nicolas was one Norway's big surprises in 2013. Emilie studied Jazz-music at the conservatory of Trondheim. Earlier on she also played in the (jazz)band Gurls. Her solo-debutsingle "PSTEREO" was a major hit with raving reviews. Therefore it didn't surprise me she had been selected not only for the line-up of by:Larm but also for Eurosonic '14, SPOT-festival and this years Iceland Airwaves. Her dark popsongs with fine melodies and strong lyrics have international allure. What did surprise me is the fact that internationally we're still only able to hear "PSTEREO" on iTunes and "Nobody Knows" on Soundcloud. A couple of months ago I saw her for the first time perform live at Eurosonic in Groningen and was instantly impressed by her voice and music. During by:Larm I was yet again able to enjoy her beautiful raw voice which together with the wonderful melodies made my heart jump. Sometimes even emotional when she sang one of her most fragile but most beautiful songs: "Grown Up". Electropop that touches you.
6. Shy For Shore, But Not Tonight.
I must admit, you love it or you hate it: Eighties-like-synthpop. As I grew up in the Eighties with the music of bands like Erasure, Depeche Mode en Pet Shop Boys Nordic electro-bands always manage to attract my attention. Not all, but being selected for by:Larm must make you special. Norwegian/British "dreampop" duo Shy For Shore (actually living and working in Amsterdam) was one of those. I saw them perform at the busy fridaynight. More like saturday morning 2:00AM playing their second gig of the night. Their music really does have an eighties-feel. Not only the titles refer to those golden ages of synths ("Teenage Pain", "Then the Heartbreak", "1985") but also their melodramatic music could have been on the soundtrack of e.g. "The Breakfast Club" or "Pretty in Pink". The attempt of covering one their own heroes by playing "Enjoy the Silence" was unfortunately less succesful as their own music. Most remarkable was the attempt of a drunk lady trying to dance halfway on stage. After being pulled off by security she probably wanted my haircut.. pulling my hair was probably the most painfull of Shy For Shore's popmusic.
7. Deathcrush(ed) by Blondie.
Writing this top-10 it occured to me there is a lot of electro-bands in it. Therefore, "and now for something completely diferent": Deathcrush! This Norwegian trio has been quite busy for the past year. Performing live at almost all major festival and in the meantime also being one of the protegé-bands of the young Oslo-based fashionlabel "Black Rat". Their music? Noise-rock/No Wave! At first I wanted to go and see them at the small stage of MONO-café. It was a no go as the venue was full. The second chance was more succesful and surprising. Which band ever starts with a crowdsurfing singer? The rock was indeed noisy, the drums violent and the singer/frontwoman a beautiful blonde. You might ask yourself if the audience crowded into the tent for Blondie or the music. Most likely the music as the band was able to musically get the audience in extase. Well, at least the front rowes.
8. Team Me in MONO.
If there's one Norwegian band I've been excited about since Iceland Airwaves it has to be Team Me. Therefore I had to see them play live (again) at by:Larm when the opportunity arose. Biggest problem however was the venue. As I earlier missed out on Deathcrush in Café MONO I had to be really early. So while the band was still outside waiting for the preceding act starting to play I was already up front at the stage. (You're a fan, or not ;-)). Not too soon as the café filled up and queue in front longer and longer. It was actually thus crowded Team Me had a hard time to reach the stage with their equipment. The band and crowd were most likely just to big for the venue. Nevertheless it was probably also one of the most memorable gigs I've seen of them. Their well known music playing and singing together was enchanting. Their latest songs still have to grow to my personal taste or just need to get used to. The custom of Marius and Uno mingling into the enthusiastic audience at the end of "With My Hands Covering Both of my Eyes I'm too Scared to Have a Look at You Now" topped off the party. I can't wait seeing them play live again and looking forward to the new album.
9. Buying Music.
Apart from listening to live music I also do like it to get a physical copy of the music on vinyl or CD. On by:Larm's saturday a small yet very interesting "Independent Label Market" was hosted in Kulturkirken Jakob. All the well known Norwegian Indie-labels were present like Propeller Recordings, Termo Records and Brilliance records. With records and CD's for sale naturally. During the market there was also the possibility to enjoy live music, coffee and beer. Or listen to the CD's on sale on an iPad with headphones. For an extended catalogue of Norwegian music I naturally also visited some "real" recordstores. The most familiar is "Platekompaniet" with about 6 stores all over Oslo a bit like the former "Free Record Shop" and HMV in the UK. If you look well you might find some real fine music in the Sale-department for nice prices (19-29NOK). As the online store of Platekompaniet doesn't ship outside Norway I would also recommend "Platebutikken Tiger". A small (online) recordstore near the center which also ships abroad. Last but not least is the all-vinyl "Big Dipper".
10. Beer? Bottom's Up!
Drinking beer at concerts is usually just a normal thing to do. Yet at by:Larm I saw probably a breakthrough in tapping beer. The Bottom's Up. An ingenious system where the beerglass is filled from below and after it's filled the gap in the bottom is shielded with a magnet. It drafted faster and after drinking the beer you could take the magnet out, which was decorated with messages from the sponsors, to use at home.. putting messages on the refrigerator "wake me up when it's time for more music!". Unfortunately not a Nordic invention or design but seriously something to look out for. You wouldn't want to be the guy or girl making the mistake pushing the magnet from the bottom and spilling all beer on the floor.
Apart from the mentioned highlights I really enjoyed by:Larm for the whole of it and already looking forward to attend by:Larm '15! You can find a more extended photographic impression on my Flickr .
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