Client am Main (Frankfurt, o25).

It almost starts to look like madness. As I'm also wondering if they're not starting to think they've got a maniac on their hands. About half a year ago I saw them live for the very first time. Since then I've seen them live in five cities in four countries.. and I still got a tase for more. I already regret it I didn't try to see all shows last weekend as I probably could have.
It's almost love.. of some sort. I must admit, perhaps I love blonds after all. What have they got that others haven't got? I believe their friendlyness and unlimited enthousiasm (even in front of a small crowd) are like gold and enlighten their performance. Also, every performance is in fact different: Setlist, Audience,.. Just saying Hi and being recognised and a thanks for just being there from the band is very rewarding.
And when I doubt my mind regarding this rather bizarre way of living currently (working as a doctor on weekdays and every weekend when I'm able to attend their concert attending..) I listen to one of their CD's and feel fine again.
..and secretly,.. I'm dreaming of becoming one of their official regular photographers, one day.. Keep on dreaming.
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